Maine Coone Breeders

Kittens Buying Process

Kitten pricing is based on how much it conforms to the breed standards. Or kittens price ranges from $2,700 - $4,500. 

Kittens are priced individually.

Rarely we have kittens that are not sold before the age of 3 months old, when this happens it is possible the price may be reduced.

mainecoon kittens

Price Included:

  • Sale Contract
  • TICA Registration Certificate
  • Rabies Shot
  • FVRCP + EeLV Shot
  • Deworming (Revolution, Drontal, Pyrantel)
  • Spay/Neutered
  • Shoulder Bag with Logo
  • Small Bag of Food (Royal Canin Kitten)
  • Coupon from Royal Canin Food
  • Toys
  • Care Instruction
  • A two years signed genetic health guarantee from Royal Maine Coon Cattery.
  • Lifetime support for your Maine Coon 24/7

Buying a Maine Coon kitten with Breeder/Show Rights places you on a separate list from the Pet Buyers. This separate list offers First Pick of particular litters. This common practice among breeders ensure you get the selection and breeder quality you are looking for in a Maine Coon cat. This option is only available to up to 33% of any litter.

The cost to buy Maine Coon breeder rights is currently $5,500 up with an upfront deposit of 50%.  Documents for each kitten: - Health certificate and slip from TICA with breeding of rights.

The kittens sold as Pet, without Breeding Rights, will be neutered. These kittens will have the TICA Registration Number with specifications: "not for breeding".

The kittens sold as a pet, can have the show quality, the kittens sold for breeding and show CANNOT have pet quality.

We guarantee the kittens' health and guarantee no FELV or FIV.

We test adult breeding cats for

  • Physical Exam Annually
  • Rabies Shot
  • FVRCP + EeLV Feline Distemper Shot (Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia + Feline Leukemia)
  • Bordetella Shot
  • Deworming (Revolution)
  • Fecal testing for the most common parasites (Giardia, Tritrichomonas, Coccidia)
  • FIV/FELV Tests
  • Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PK-def)
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)

Waiting List:

We require a $500.00 deposit on all of our kittens to hold them or to be on Waiting List. Deposits must be received within 24 hours of a buyer's verbal acceptance of a kitten. Deposit are non-refundable but may be transferable to another kitten in certain situations. But no later than when the kitten reaches 2 month of age. We will not hold any kitten without a holding fee being placed.

Once a deposit is received, that kitten will be held and not offered to anyone else. When the kittens are born, I will send an email or text to the people on the waiting list to announce them the happy event, and to confirm once again that they want the kitten. The kittens have to stay in the cattery until the age of 12 weeks age when they will have all the required vaccines and deworming made. The kitten can stay in the cattery for up 16 weeks if it needs special care, without any price discount.

All kittens must be paid for by the time they are 12weeks old. The kitten must be picked up or shipped no later than 16 weeks old, unless prior arrangements have been made and agreed to by both parties. Any kitten left here after 16 weeks of age without prior notice shall be charged $10.00 a day boarding fee. After 16 weeks old, the kitten will be considered abandoned. The deposit will be forfeited and kitten shall be resold. I am sorry to do this, but it makes me question the importance of the kitten to potential home it is going to if you don’t have a good reason for not wanting it right away.

Older kittens become difficult to sell, therefore we encourage you to receive your kitten as soon as possible. By placing a holding fee you understand and agree to these terms.

Maine Coon Kitten Breeders
Maine Coon Cat Care 2
Maine Coon Health Issues
Maine Coon Breed Characteristics

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Royal Maine Coon Cattery

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Maine Coon Cats Cattery

Our cattery located in Westminster, 21157,MD. USA

+1 (443) 540-7982

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Maine Coon Breed Characteristics | Maine Coon Cat Breeders | Maine Coon Cat Care | Large Domestic Cats | Maine Coon Health Issues | Maine Coon Kittens For Sale | Maine Coon Kittens Catterys

Adopt Kitten Near Me | Bengal Kittens | Main Coon Kittens | Maine Coon Adoption | Maine Coon Cats | Maine Coon Grooming Tips | Maine Coon Lifespan | Maine Coone Breeder